Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Monday's failures...

If I were being graded on my Christan or responsible behavior today I would have failed completely. It has not been a terribly unhappy day, but certainly and unsettling one!

I agreed to fast Mondays. Sunday night an unexpected out of town guest arrived. In caring for my guest I made special lunch/ dinner plans and didn't remember the fast until late afternoon. I then felt very guilty.

Monday night I teach a childbirth class. I was deep into making a special Indian dish when... unexpectedly my students began to arrive! My whole house smelled like curry!

While teaching my class I remembered that as "Crisis care coordinator" in our church I was supposed be at a local hospital (at just that moment) praying for a woman after her surgery. I was able to send Sean in my place but DUH!!!

My guest asked if my children were done in the bathroom so that she could shower. I then remembered that earlier in the day I had sprayed the walls and tub with bathroom cleaner but gotten distracted and never returned to it!

I mis-remembered the measurements for Joe's bedroom and bought 45 feet of wallpaper border. The room measures 46 feet. It was on clearance, there is no more. Time to be creative I guess.

I have tried to put up a new video here about our orphanage. It comes in two easy to use or post formats. At this time I cannot get either to work or post.

Hopefully Tuesday will be a much more successful day!


Anonymous said...


I am sorry. Yesterday was a rough day for me too. I believe the enemy was working overtime. If you need help posting the video, let me know. I would be glad to help.


Gombojav Tribe said...

Confession time.....

I forgot to fast, too!!!

I remembered this morning that I had agreed to fast lunch. By lunch time I had forgotten and ate a bowl of curried vegetables.

I remembered about fasting JUST NOW as I checked your blog!

SORRY! I'll strive to do better next time!!!