Sunday, July 8, 2007

This is Sean putting in the new floor I have wanted for so long. He is a general contractor, so his days are spent doing things like this. He is an expert at tile, but pretty good at all the other stuff, like framing, concrete, cabinets, plumbing and of course, nearly any type of flooring. I know he would have rather done pretty much anything else on his day off, and that makes me all the more grateful that he would do this for me!

People often assume that because I am the person posting this blog, doing the research, paperwork, etc that I am the person leading our home. We hear a lot of those "stupid man who just does what his wife says" jokes. So I wanted to tell you just how awesome my husband is...though I'll try to stay relatively on the adoption topic.

To me it is fantastic that I married a man who has such a heart for children. While I hear all around me about women who wish their husbands would let them have more children, Sean has always sought God on this issue. He has not been afraid to have too many blessings (BTW...Great blog about Blessings here: )

Sean is a great Dad. He has every excuse not to be! He works full time, and in the summer that often means 10 hours of hard labor outdoors. When he comes home there are outdoor chores to be done such as mowing the grass, cleaning the garage and fixing whatever has broken today. He is a full time student and it is not unusual to have 2-3 hours of homework at night. He serves in our church as youth leader, elder, deacon, and is on the board. He is preparing to take his youth group to Mexico. Yet, it is rare that he is unable to tuck the kids in at night. He greets them happily and praises their craft projects and paintings. He does not miss the little dance being done by a daughter to show off her new dress or the stomping of his son acting as a monster ready to attack. Each night he reads them the bible and blesses them before they go to sleep. I don't know where he finds the energy... but I know how much the kids appreciate him. To our kids their Daddy is the super hero,and I never want to see that change!

When we began to talk about this adoption, Sean was willing but wanted to seek God first. We agreed that I would research and report back. I knew he would listen to me, but also that he would pray and listen. When I told him of the dreams I was having about a little girl in Haiti, it was he who encouraged me to look for her. I have not ever had a prophetic dream that I know of, but somehow he knew. When I found Sophia, it was Sean who said "If we have a daughter in Haiti, then lets go get her"! I know he would rather not deal with the paperwork or the classes or the home study meetings. But he has been willing and cheerful, and I have appreciated it!

When it looked like we could not adopt Sophia, I wanted an answer so badly that I would probably have accepted another referral. We already know that because of the square footage of our house we can only adopt one child. If he had given in to me, we would have had a lot of trouble. He simply said "I will not have an Ishmael". I am glad he listens to God. I am glad he will not be pushed, it would have been easier for him to say yes. To adopt another child that needed a home, but it would not have been God's plan and we would have missed out on the huge blessing God had planned for us due only to my impatience.

We are a one income, blue collar family. Sean believes in the importance of having me at home, raising our children. He has never suggested that I ought to be bringing in money or made me feel that we did not have equal share in our home or bank account. He knows that this adoption will be financially a big challenge. We cannot commit much of our budget and we do not have significant savings. However despite the fact that we cannot always make ends meet, he has always paid his tithe, always believed that God would provide. God always has, and we believe he will provide for this adoption as well.

I am impressed over and over again at the man God provided for me. He is abundantly generous, kind, loving, a good father, provider, and husband. I thank God for him, but not enough. So today, Sean I just want everyone to know how much I love and appreciate you.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hi Jenee, I just read your post on HA and decided to hop on over and read your blog for a bit. My husband and I are adopting two kids from HCRM and are stuck in Parquet. We live in W. Michigan and I noticed that you're from De Pere. My brother and his family live in De Pere. He's the associate pastor at Spring Lake Church. Ever heard of it?
In Christ,
Mary Franks