Saturday, July 21, 2007

This is What its all about!

Ok, not exactly about adoption...

Tonight near the end of church Joe was getting tired of sitting and began to fight for his freedom. Prayer was beginning and so was the worship team. I walked a few minutes with a squirming 18 month old boy in arms and gratefully redirected him to the worship music that was getting louder as prayer concluded.

Sing Joe! I encouraged. He looked at me and just as I prepared myself for him to yell or scream to get down he began to sing. Quietly at first, at then with more confidence he sang "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"! I applauded him with tears in my eyes. He gets it! Despite the name of "Jesus" not being in the actual song we were singing... he got it. At worship time we sing about Jesus!

Keeping 4 little ones in church each week is a challenge, but one we feel we must succeed at. I do not mind nursery, and my kids have enjoyed occasional "children's church" very much, however I believe what they have had to learn sitting next to us week by week is more valuable.

On the practical side, my children know how to sit quietly for an hour or more when needed! This has come in handy when forced to visit the social security office, DMV, or other locations where sitting quietly is the only option. It has also helps when our pastor insists both of us attend an important meeting for which no childcare can be found.

While the practical lessons have good benefit, it is for the spiritual lessons I feel they need to be in service.

Let me digress a minute... Our church has a good children's ministry. We are blessed to have congregation where the children outnumber the adults! We have teachers who are gifted in working with children and many children will hear the gospel and be led by these people who have given their time and energy (and often funds) to reach these kids. I do not want to take away from the fantastic work they do or the opportunity that this ministry provides for parents who need to hear the Word of God preached without interruption or distraction. In fact, it is not unusual for these children to lead their parents to church!

For our family we feel it is important that our children see their parents actively worship, that they see us occasionally broken before God, or raising hands in adoration. Children are famous for emulating the actions rather than the words of their parents. Most children constantly look around them trying to determine the adult characteristics and attributes they want to display. So, while services directed at toddlers, children, youth, or teens might provide a more interesting format, I fear that they do not set up an example for those children to grow and walk in to. A generation of mega churches with amazing children's ministry have produced few adults dedicated to serving Christ.

For fear of leaving out the obvious, we must also continue to demonstrate real faith in our homes. Our kids must see us pray, read the bible, live out the words we speak. It is SO scary to me! But our children are our ultimate disciples! They are, even now, serving as our apprentices and interns. I know I have failed at times, I have had to ask their forgiveness, and I am quite sure I will again. Our children do not need to see perfection, but they do need to see us serving a real God, both at home and in church.

We used to have daily worship time together and Anna has mentioned that she misses it more than once. Tonight as I tried to instruct and direct them during church worship I knew something was missing. (I was also reminded when a friend asked me to call her after she had finished her daily praise and worship time with her children!) So, with Monday's fast begins daily worship again... because ultimately: This is what it is all about! Raising children who who not only believe in God but who who have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Children who will not have to begin learning how to serve God when they reach adulthood but who have been serving Him so long that they cannot act any other way.

2 Timothy 3:14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.


Gombojav Tribe said...

I LOVE those pictures! Wow!

Sarah said...

I can't wait to listen to the O'Carroll Worship Band!