Friday, July 20, 2007

Trip to Haiti?

We had hoped that there would be a winter trip to Haiti with our orphanage that just happened to be during the time that Sean had a break from school. We have been sort of planning for this but waiting on the details.

This week Sean's program at Southeastern University announced that they were planning a missions trip to Port Au Prince, Haiti during their Christmas break! They will be working on a number of projects including helping an orphanage (not ours).

After talking to the missions coordinator at For His Glory adoption outreach we found out that there will not be any trips scheduled this winter. So... that leaves the question... should he go with his class?

On the one hand we have to say God is providing a way. There is a trip to Haiti planned at exactly the time he wanted to go and to the city he planned to go to (not to mention getting some school credit). On the other hand we had thought he would be going with For His Glory and would have ample time to spend with Sophia and get to know her. If he goes with his class he will be very, very limited by both their schedule and our orphanage. For security reasons family can not just "drop by" whenever they feel like it! Traveling in Port Au Prince in not exactly easy and even getting from one place to another might be extremely difficult. I cannot imagine trying to take the correct tap-tap !!!

The third issue is time. Sean is leaving in a few days with his youth group to go to Mexico. They are really excited about the missions trip and many will by flying for the first time. Summer was not a good time to take off work and it caused some ill feelings with his boss. While Christmas break is not a busy construction time, we are concerned about asking off for another "missions trip". Please pray about this trip for Sean, and for the Mexico trip as well!

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